Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Call Me Martha...

So I guess I got a little Martha Stewart fever this past week. I have been eying some curtains in the Pottery Barn catalog for over a month now. I have been waiting and waiting to put up curtains in my living room because I wanted the perfect ones. I have looked a lot of other places, but just kept coming back to these curtains. But once again, there was a small problem... the price. As you might can tell from some of my recent post, I have expensive taste at times. The drapes I wanted were way to expensive. I searched and searched and found the fabric at Calico Corner, but it was still pretty expensive. Luckily though, it went on sale in March and so Smith and I went to look at it. Guess what... Smith loved how much I loved it so we bought the fabric and I set off on the adventure of making my first ever curtains. Thankfully my mom is quite handy in these kind of situations and was definitely my right hand woman- guiding me every step of the way. My curtains turned out GORGEOUS! I was so excited. My resident handy-man, Smith, hung them for me soon after. I know you must be dying to see how great they look...

My living room still isn't finished. We need to move over that clock on the wall obviously. I plan on making more throw pillows and getting a new rug for starters, but its much closer to being how I imagine it! If you have any suggestions of cute and inexpensive decorating ideas please share! I am always looking for new ideas and projects!

Hope you had a great Tuesday!


  1. Kelsey you did a great job! I'm about to make curtains for my kitchen!

  2. Look at you! We've been in our house over two years and how many curtains do I have? That's right ZERO! Haha. They turned out so good! I can wait until my furniture is finished so I can show you pics. It's the main thing we are gonna do this weekend. Can't wait to see you in a week and a half!
