Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Call Me Martha...

So I guess I got a little Martha Stewart fever this past week. I have been eying some curtains in the Pottery Barn catalog for over a month now. I have been waiting and waiting to put up curtains in my living room because I wanted the perfect ones. I have looked a lot of other places, but just kept coming back to these curtains. But once again, there was a small problem... the price. As you might can tell from some of my recent post, I have expensive taste at times. The drapes I wanted were way to expensive. I searched and searched and found the fabric at Calico Corner, but it was still pretty expensive. Luckily though, it went on sale in March and so Smith and I went to look at it. Guess what... Smith loved how much I loved it so we bought the fabric and I set off on the adventure of making my first ever curtains. Thankfully my mom is quite handy in these kind of situations and was definitely my right hand woman- guiding me every step of the way. My curtains turned out GORGEOUS! I was so excited. My resident handy-man, Smith, hung them for me soon after. I know you must be dying to see how great they look...

My living room still isn't finished. We need to move over that clock on the wall obviously. I plan on making more throw pillows and getting a new rug for starters, but its much closer to being how I imagine it! If you have any suggestions of cute and inexpensive decorating ideas please share! I am always looking for new ideas and projects!

Hope you had a great Tuesday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fun in the Sun (finally!)

We have been waiting and waiting for this! I HATE the cold weather. Saturday was such a gorgeous day so Smith and I decided to enjoy some of this warm, beautiful weather we have been waiting. We headed around the corner (literally) from our new house to Shelby Farms for some Frisbee Golf. Smith hesitated at the idea at first because its hard on him to be so badly beaten at Frisbee by his wife, but he finally came around. Ok... so maybe that is totally not true and maybe I have to throw about 3 times for his 1 throw... but we still have fun being outdoors and active together. :) Here we are after a couple of holes!

Smith acting crazy, keeping me entertained while we were out on the course. He's so funny :)

Logan and Jennee joined us about 1/2 way through the course. Logan actually was a little hesitant to play because he thought he wouldn't be bad. I quickly made him feel good about himself by going first and getting about a 6 on a par 3 whole. I quickly had to retire because my arm was getting too tired. Jennee and I just cheered on the boys instead.

Logan and Smith showing off their sweet throwing skills.

We had such a great time and really enjoyed being outside for the day. After our hard work, we headed to sonic to refresh ourselves! It was fun to have some time with Logan and Jennee before he leaves for Chile for 3 months! We are really going to miss Logan!

I hope everyone else is enjoying this beautiful weather, too!

Stay tuned in. I recently made curtains for my living room and will be posting them soon!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Something New

So while this last week was very boring work wise (I had an 8-5 schedule of more classroom orientation everyday and did not get to spend ANY time on the actual unit!), we had some good times with family and friends.

Friday Night
We went bowling with 2 other couples and had the best time! Hunter and Maggie Mitchell go to Germantown C of C with us and we are really enjoying getting to know them. Hunter always has something clever to say and Maggie is always so sweet and encouraging! Brandon Edwards and his sweet fiance' Elizabeth came as well. Its been a while since I got to hang out with Brandon (one of my best friends from HS). We had a great time with both of them and hope to continue to do things with them both. We also were babysitting Neesha this weekend, which is always fun. She LOVED bowling and did surprisingly well. I guess all her WII bowling paid off :)

So this was definitely not a relaxing Saturday, but overall it was extremely exciting because we bought a...

Smith's truck was getting on up there in miles (125,000) so we decided it was time to trade it in for something in a little bit better shape. It was somewhat sad to see the good ole truck go considering we went on all our dates, trips, etc in that truck, but we are so excited about our new SUV. We got a 2007 Ford Edge with less than 30,000 miles (big change). Its fully-loaded which Smith isn't used to. He's loving his new ride :) He was quite the negotiator and got us an incredible deal. This is the only picture of it I have right now and it's off my phone so sorry if it isn't the best!

We had a wonderful day at church. I went with Neesha to her Volleyball practice. She is doing so well and working so hard. My mom and dad got home from their trip to Arizona and we were all glad to see them back.

Mostly I did laundry, cleaned the house, and worked on some projects for people that I needed to catch up on. But I did take a break to go eat with my best friends from Nursing school. Lauren Flatt, Katie Soldevila, and I met at Bahama Breeze for a girls lunch. It was so great to spend some time with them. We were used to spending each and every day together in school sharing multiple lunch dates a week. Now, with my job, Lauren's interviews, and Katie's new sweet baby, it is much more difficult to get together. It was so great to see Campbell, Katie's 2month old baby boy. He is so precious and she is doing such a great job with him! We definitely missed Sarah and Jenny... the other two girls who complete our little group. Hopefully a girls trip out to TX will be in the works soon to visit ole Jennster!

Well that brings us up to date... sorry if my life isn't all that interesting haha. I hope everyone's week is off to a great start!