Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pricey VS. Priceless

One of my favorite stores around Memphis is Bella Vita. Thanks to my wonderful friend, Lauren Flatt, I discovered this amazing sanctuary of adorable furniture and household items in Collierville. Unfortunately, this adorable boutique is just a tad out of my price range these days (or ever). This normally does not pose a problem. Instead of buying all the super cute items I spot at Bella Vita... I use the store as a source of inspiration and ideas for my own projects. This saves me a lot of time and is a super fun hobby (some of my own projects will be exhibited on the blog in the near future). Lately, though, I have been in a small bind. I found the most beautiful paintings there that would be just PERFECT for my living room. Unfortunately again... they were a bit to pricey. The big one that I wanted was priced at $800 and the smaller 2 were somewhere between $300 and $400. Even if I were up for spending that much for a painting (which I'm not), there is no way in the world my thrifty hubby would ever go for it. This was all a problem because while I can make and decorate furniture and other household items all day long... I am definitely NOT a painter! So normally the story would simply end here...and I would have to settle for some lesser decor for above my couch. Lucky for me... it doesn't end here.

I have an incredibly talented brother that turned my pricey dilemma into a priceless experience! After seeing the paintings I had my eye on, he created gorgeous replicas that are practically identical! See if you can tell the difference!!!

Isn't that crazy? If the picture of mine was a closer shot, you would see the detailed texture that is present on the Bella Vita paintings as well. I still am in shock at how incredible they turned out! So I am happy to say that I have some priceless (instead of pricey) paintings hanging above my couch that make my living room look all the more gorgeous!!!!



  1. How did all the kids in my family get all the crafty, artsy, talented genes except me? I am utterly hopeless and depressed when I see the stuff y'all are capable of! Haha... except that I get to benefit from your talent and don't have to do the work myself. Maybe this is actually perfect! SUPER impressed Logan!

  2. Wow! That's incredible! He should sit outside the pricey store and sell replicas at half price! ;) Looks great!

  3. I'm so impressed! They look amazing! And Erin, like you said atleast you have
    Logan and Kels to "gift" you with such wonderful artwork and none of the work. Haha.
    P.S. Thanks for updating your blog!
