Monday, June 1, 2009

Presenting... Our House!

I finally found my camera chip so, as promised, I took pictures of the work that we have done so far to our house. We still have a lot more to do! The living room still doesn't have all the decorations done, but I put it up anyways because it has come a long way :) Enjoy the before and after pictures!

Entry way- before and after...

Family room- before and after...

My bathroom- before and after...

Smith's bathroom- before and after....

So we still have a lot to do, but this is a small taste of what it looks like so far. We are absolutely loving working on it together. It is so fun to have our own place and to get to decide exactly how we want it to be. This definitely feels like home to us! What can I say?... We love our life!


  1. Love your redos! The bathrooms are amazing! And how awesome is it that you're married and STILL get your own bathroom. Does that mean Smith has to clean his own toilet and shower?

  2. Looks great Kels... I was at least the 3rd person to read your blog! You are already a famous blogger. Haha. Love you!
