Monday, June 8, 2009

A playdate for my husband...

We had a great time this past weekend spending some time at the lake with Morgan, Melissa, and our precious niece, Emma. It was a much needed break from our crazy schedules of work and school! Emma is getting so big so fast. She will be a big sister before we know it (Braden is on the way, due 8/1/09). Here are some pictures of all the fun.

Emma was a little excited about being at the lake... if you can't tell! This was her running out to help Morgan and Smith catch some fish.

When smith casted, the top of his fishing pole flew off into the water. As he reeled in back in he realized he had a fish on the end. That was the only fish caught that day! And this is what my crazy husband decided to do with it.... I'm worried about what he is teaching Emma!

This is what the boys do all day long. They never stop for very long- always have to be doing something. They taught themselves to knee-board this weekend.

And this is what Melissa and I do all day long. Life is good :) We are more than happy to do pretty much nothing! (Emma was napping)

Morgan and Emma in her boat. The sun was too bright for Morgan so he put on some sweet shades. Emma thought it was pretty funny!

Emma wasn't sure what she thought about the wave-runners. She would cry when she was on it, but then cry when she had to get off of it.

Emma getting some piano lessons from her Uncle Smith.

Emma with her Uncle Smith and Aunt Kelsey. We bought that sweet dress from Emma on our honeymoon in Mexico. We were so glad it fit her because they sure didn't have regular sizes to choose from. She looked so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Emma's dress is adorable! Looks like you guys had a great time!
