Thursday, May 6, 2010

Project #3

I saw a really cute idea in Pottery Barn's summer catalog. I almost soley restrict myself to simply getting "ideas" from Pottery Barn as most of their items don't fall within my slim deocrating budget. There was an old shelf with cute mason jars hanging with candles. I thought it was precious.

Lucky for me... I had the perfect shelf. It was one my mom had seen at a garage sale and picked up for a buck or two. Its just been sitting in my garage, waiting for the perfect project.

I didn't want to pay for mason jars, so I just emptied a few things out of my fridge (that probably needed to go anyways!). I used a jelly jar, pizza sauce jar, and an alfredo sauce jar. I like this because the jars are a variety of sizes, which adds to the look. I filled them with some beans I had from another project that I got for $1 at Fred's.

I took some jewelry wire ($1.50 for the spindle that I used a tiny bit of), twisted it together to make it strong, and then wrapped it around the top of the jar. I made little loops on each side so I could connect the hanging wire as well. I twisted the hanging wire and then looped it through the holes I had made. It is plenty strong enough to hang the jars by.

I bought $1 candles from hobby lobby to put down in the jars. I let them burn for a little bit so they would appear like they have been used a few times at least.

I don't process pictures for the shelf, but it started out just a boring brown color. I spray painted it white and then took my sander to it (of course). After roughing it up a bit, Smith hung it in our dining room for me and we put the jars in place. LOVE how it turned out! I did the whole project for less than 1 of Pottery Barn's mason jars would have costs me! I mean no disrespect to one of my favorite stores, but I must say... Booyah, P.B.

See below for more of my recent projects! I know you must be thinking..."What? More than one post in a period of a few months?"... yes, shocking. Enjoy!


  1. SO impressed! Your stuff has turned out so incredible! You need to post the pictures of the 2 things you made for me and Liz. Love you!

  2. Kelsey, I LOVE all of your projects! You are so talented! :)
