Thursday, May 6, 2010

Project #2

I have been really wanting a small table for our entry way (are you starting to see a pattern...). So Smith and I thought...what better to do on a Tuesday night than build a table?

I actually took some process pictures for this one. I don't have the starting point, but as it was "from scratch" once again, you can probably imagine a pile of wood for yourself.

It took us about 2 hours to build this beauty. I got up the next day and painted it while Smith was at work. We are really happy with how it turned out. All the supplies cost right around $60- which isn't our cheapest project, but it definitely beats the $200+ tables I was finding for the space.

Here is the table "bare bones" after we constructed it.

We used stair spindles as the legs to add a decorative element that wouldn't have been their with just straight board.

We picked an inexpensive peice of wood trip to wrap around the table to add additional detail. I think it made the table look more "finished".

I painted a rough coat of red, not worrying about coverage because it makes the distressing easier in the end. After that coat, I used the sander to light rough up the entire peice and then went back and really distressed areas that would naturally see wear and tear (edges, corners, etc.) I then took the stain and went over the entire table in order to darken the whole thing up. I added additional stain to the areas where I did extra sanding. It came out looking like it was many years older than it is!

Finished project!

This windows came from another project I did last year (sorry no process pictures!). They came from my childhood treehouse that my dad tore down last year. I thought they worked perfectly in this space.

We has the best time building this and are really proud of the end result. I have to give credit to where credit is due though- Smith once again was my indespinsable handy-man. I would be in a rough spot without him! What a great husband! :)


  1. Kelsey,
    Girl, you are talented! I love what you can do with discarded furniture, keep it up!


  2. BTW- This is Vanessa Attaway from Freed, I think we took Speech together! Just in case! :)
